No there is no way. It is easier to just buy the gems. The survey on free online hacks makes it not work. And apps like app bounty or app nana fail. This is the only way to get gems.
ther is none unless you download a app that can get you maxed gems called app bounty this app will help you get gems and all you have to do is play games.
After you get credits in AppBounty, you can spend them in clash of clans on gift cards from iTunes.
Tim Chapman who is best know for his bounty hunter work with Dog Chapman is now retired.
No not really. Messenger is an independent app, you can work with it even when you dont have facebook app.
Yes, but it doesn't just give the app to you. First, you have to through and buy the app yourself, and then they will refund you the app's cost.
Delete it.
no it doesnt work
You must first work for a licensed bail bonds company in the state you live in. call and ask if they are hiring or just google bail bonds and the city and state you live in. You could work in the office and learn everything you can and then become a bounty hunter. **hope that helps** JUDE KAGABINES-ARIZONA BOUNTY HUNTER