If you "feel weird" when someone is wearing gloves, that probably means you have a glove fetish. And yes I feel the same way.
she wears good clothes likely like lady gaga but not that much weird she is not like lady gaga but she dresses kinda weird :.)
No he did not shot anyone why would he he has a weird name
Wendy Finerman was the director of The Devil Wears Prada. Some of her other famous movies were Forrest Gump, Ps I Love You and Stepmom. The Devil Wears Prada has a weird cover.
No it is not weird. I know heaps of people who haven't kissed anyone before and they are older than 14 and it is not even right
Anyone and everyone - including you if you choose to !
The English language has no relationship called God-cousin. You can go out with anyone. Whether it is weird or not is a matter for you to decide. If you decide it is not weird, then it is not.
no! clothing should not be only worn by one gender.
weird, weals, wears, wetly, wedge, weave, weeds, weigh, welts, wends
a thong; a mini skirt; spiked hair
the girls name is ... tulisa the boy who wears weird but nice hats is ... dappy and the boy who is a rapper is fazer !
The old man wears dowdy clothes because he thinks that clothes nowadays are too bright and weird.
No, it is not weird that you are fourteen and haven't dated anyone yet. If you are being asked out a lot, then people are finding you attractive, which should make you feel good. Don't date anyone until you are ready.