where can I can I buy the fmj double barrel 410 shotgun ? are they still available?
I don't think Stevens was using the Riverside name as early as 1903 but they probably were still using that patent date into the 1930's. If the gun has fluid steel barrels, it could still be a hunter's gun but the rabbit ears attract Cowboy Action Shooters and interior decorators. Any of these groups will pay $100 to $250 depending on condition.
If you're inquiring about a double barrel 12 gauge with double triggers, with Barrett Gun Co engraved on it, I don't think you are gonna find much info on it. I've had one for years and can't find anything about this company and if it ever even existed!
Impossible to answer without knowing the make and model.
depends on if it still works
Rossi made 2 variations of the double barrel shotguns. The Amadeo "Coach gun" with the rabbit ear hammers and the "Squire" double barrel which was the hammerless version. The age of both guns are from 1968-1989. The value of each is about the same. Ranges from $125 - $150 Depending on value. Not a very valuable gun, but a good shooter. Rossi is no longer in business. They changed there name to Braztech. They are still made in South America, decent cheap gun.
I have a circa 1874 W.W. Greener double barrel shotgun. It was made in Birmingham England. It has double hammers with nice engraving. Greener shotguns are still produced today but in limited numbers.
If a single shot, about $50 retail. A double barrel may go for as much as $400 if it is in almost new condition, but probably half that if it is still functional but worn.
If the rabbit was born without ears because of a birth defect or if it lost its ears due to injury, then yes, it is still genetically and physically a rabbit.
Try gun shops, gun shows, want ads.
The barrel is the hallow part of a wave that is moving. The barrel is surrunded by water but still has empty space where the barrel is.
At least as wide as your rabbit. It will vary depending on what size rabbit they are and if they are still growing.