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No. Regardless of what you put in your body, THC stays in your body for over 6 months.

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Q: Does antibiotics cleanse you of THC?
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Can inner cleanse clean out THC?


What is best quick cleanse for THC?

A detox beverage.

Does a toxic cleanse clear you of THC?

don't think so

What antibiotics can help clean THC out of your system?

THC isn't alive, antibiotics wouldn't do anything except kill your white blood cells.

How can you cleanse your body to rid THC?

The way to cleanse a body to rid THC is to drink lots of water. Stop smoking the marijuana. One can also take pills that will flush the system clean or mask the drug.

What to eat to cleanse your bloodstream of nicotine and THC?

Alfalfa and other blood cleansers.

Can heavy exercise help cleanse your body of TCH?

Heavy exercise plus much inktake of liquids and food will cleanse your body of THC through burning THC alkaloids stored in fat cells. I am thinking you are referring to THC(Tetra hydra-canniba). Not TCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Best plant on this planet, although I do like tomatoes.

Does strip nc cleanse your system for drug test?

NO THC can only be removed over time.

Can you remove THC from your saliva by brushing your teeth?

Brushing your teeth may help remove some THC residue from your mouth, but it will not completely remove THC from your saliva. The best way to lower THC levels in your saliva is to wait it out or use a mouthwash specifically designed to cleanse THC.

Does alcohol help cleanse marijuana?

No it absolutely does not. No liquids can flush your system because the THC is stored in your fat cells.

Can drinking a lot of coffee daily help cleanse you of THC?

i suggest you drink coconut juice and fresh milk. they work better.

How long does it take to cleanse your system of THC with goldenseal and or epsom salt?

an hour bath should doit...