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Yes and no. Alcohol can destroy the liver if too much alcohol is consumed. However, an individual does not consume alcohol for a long period of time, the liver can heal itself.

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Q: Does alcohol only affect the body short term?
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Does alcohol affect vision?

Absolutely, Not only does it effect Vision but it effects your pores and like your body fluids. Yes it does.

Does alcohol turn into sugar once it is in the body?

No. Alcohol can only be broken down to CO2 and water. Where alcohol enters the metabolic pathways it can not be synthesized back to carbohydrate or fat. Alcohol can affect blood sugar level in secondary ways.

Does drinking a cup of coffee stop the affect of alcohol?

No. It simply makes the person more alert but only time can reduce the effects of alcohol on the body. Simple solution: dont get drunk.

Does mood affect bac?

No, your mood does not affect your BAC. Your BAC or blood alcohol level is only affected by the amount of alcohol you have consumed.

The metabolism of alcohol begins in the?

alcohol is metabolized by the liver. this is the only site of the body where metabolism of alcohol can occur.

Eating food or drinking coffee will cause alcohol to leave your body faster?

No, only time will reduce the level of alcohol in a person's body.

Is smelling alcohol harmful to your body?

only if you smell it alot

How can alcohol negatively affect your personal fitness?

The use of tobacco, the abuse of alcohol, and the use of some illegal drugs can negatively affect personal fitness because smoking leads to shortness of breath and fatigue. Alcohol can dehydrate your body.

What kind of food will help get alcohol out of your system?

No food or drink will remove alcohol from your body, only time will do this.

Can a song affect your emotions?

Yes it can but only in short terms.

How is alcohol detoxified in the body?

Alcohol is only removed or detoxified from the body by time. About one ounce of alcohol takes about one hour to be removed from the body.

Will salt tablets get rid of alcohol from your body?

No, only time will do so.