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No, it just bleeds a lot more. Most tattoo artists will refuse to tattoo someone who is intoxicated, however.

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Q: Does a tattoo hurt more while intoxicated?
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Do tattoes hurt?

It really depends on where on your body you get your tattoo

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How bad does a hip tattoo hurt compared to a lower back tattoo?

The hip should hurt less because there's more fat and muscle there than the lower back. Honestly though, the pain shouldn't be a factor in where you place it. I have a tattoo on the top of my back going down my spine and while it killed when I was getting it done, I wouldn't want it anywhere else=)

Do it hurt having a tattoo?

Yes. Every time. And the closer the bone is to the surface, the more it hurts.

What does having a tattoo feel like?

It feels like little needles going into your skin. The pain depends on where you get the tattoo. Areas that are more bony hurt more than fleshy areas.

Does tattoo removal cause pain?

Tatoo removal can cause pain. The impact of the laser can really cause pain. Here are some places to read about this pain: 1. 2. There are doctors who will tell you that it does not hurt but you really should read these articles to find out for yourself.

Does getting a tattoo hurt worse that getting navel pierced?

It depends on where you get it, some places hurt less, some hurt a LOT more. The spine or the feet are especially painful.

Does shading and coloring of tattoos hurt less then outlining?

No, it hurts more because they are filling in the entire tattoo.

What hurts more a tattoo or getting you belly button piersed?

That depends on how big the tattoo is. Or actually not, because the belly button contains of most fat and skin so that it probably doesn't hurt that much at all. So "What hurts more a tattoo or getting you belly button piersed?" The tattoo does.

Does a belly button piercing hurt more than the tattoo?

hi i have a lower back tattoo and i have had my belly button pierced. and the tattoo hurts loads more than the piercing. the piercing is over within minutes, by the time you feel it its done. hope this helps, Lisa

When should you do your tattoo summer or winter for tattoo?

I would say in Summer because think about it does it hurt more if you get punched in the face in summer or in winter?.. it hurts more in winter but if you think you can take the pain then either one.