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No it cannot, unless it gets infected.

________________ How is it going to affect you physiologically? The only thing that could possibly happen along those lines is a SEVERE inward travelling infection, and even then your heart and brain are more at risk.

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Q: Does a navel piercing affect fertility?
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Does belly button piercing affect your growth?

Navel piercing effects your growth about as much as cutting your hair does....... No effect at all.

How do you bathe with a new navel piercing?

As you would without a navel piercing, just be sure the navel piercing is the last thing you clean before you exit the bath.

Can navel piercing migation be down to growth What can happen if you get a navel piercing age 14 or 15?

Your question "Can navel piercing migration be down to growth" makes no sense.

Can a woman that's pregnant still keep her navel piercing in?

She can still keep her navel piercing in.

Can navel piercing be on the side of your belly button?

If it hangs or dangles chances are good that it will retain a piercing. Placing the navel piercing off to the side will be problematic for aftercare and irritation during the healing process. If you haven't had a navel piercing before then stay with something that is simpler to care for and will give a result a navel piercing is supposed to give.

If you get your belly pierced then lose weight will it affect how the piercing looks?

It won’t really affect the look of the piercing at all. But depending on how much weight you lose, it may affect the placement of the piercing itself. Losing and gaining a lot of weight may also cause a navel piercing to migrate and possibly reject.

What is the price for Navel piercing in Bangalore?

Navel piercing could cost anywhere between Rs 350 and 500 with navel jewelery done by experienced piercer.

How do you wear a navel ring for a inverse navel piercing?

If you want to wear a regular navel ring in your inverse piercing, turn the navel ring upside-down, so that the larger gem is in the navel, and the smaller gem is below.

Does navel shape actually affect whether or not a piercing would be ejected over time?

Actually, it is more a problem of how much skin is available in the piercing area, and how thick that skin is. Thin skin is more likely to allow the piercing to eject. Check with a licensed body piercer and let them assess your navel skin where the piercing would be.

Why would a navel piercing gradually tear through?

This Is Called, Growing Out Or Rejecting. This Can Happen To Any Person That Gets A Navel Piercing. It Can Affect Younger People Because As You Grow, The Piercing Can Gradually Be Pushed To The Suface Of Skin, And You Will Have To Take It Out. But If This Does Happen You Can Get It Repierced, You Just have To Let It Heal First. x

What is a navel retainer?

it is a plastic piece you put in to retain your navel piercing

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