Having a mobile number does not imply that the holder has an IP address. However, most mobile phones today have IP addresses.
china mobile IP address
Type *#06# it shows your IP-address
Mobile IP has two addresses for a mobile host : one home address and one care of address . The home address is permanent ; the care-of address changes as the mobile host moves from one network to another.
Although a mobile number cannot be determined from an IP address, according to the NY times an IP address can be used to find a large amount of personal information about a person. Such information can include their address and whether a mobile phone was used at the IP address.
A full numeric IP address with port number is XX.XX.XX.XX:PPPP where the "X"s are the IP address and the "P"s are the port number.
The Number that Identifies all computers connected to a Network with Internet Access is called the I.P. Address. If you search Google for "IP Address" it will come up with something that says "Your Public IP Address is ..." (... will be where your IP address is)
Mobile IP is a standard communications protocol designed to allow mobile device users to move from one network to another while maintaining a permanant IP address.
NO an IP is assigned by a router or modem for determining the computer address for access to a network if you mean findinng out what your ip address is type whats my ip address in google
'IP number' is actually called IP address. You can find out your IP address along with other usefull information about your computer at www.IKnowYour.info
The number might be the IP address of the website. The IP might be available in the history of browser.
If you are looking for an example of a IP address then a port number, here is one: is your IP address and the : means a port number so :2712 is the port number.This also works on websites. For example: wiki.answers.com:2712Together, the combination of an IP address and a port number is called a socket.
A "host" is simply any point that has an IP address. Typically a computer, but it may also be a printer, a switch, a router port.A "host IP number" is an IP number that can be assigned to a host. This excludes the first and last IP address of each network, which can't be assigned to hosts.A "host" is simply any point that has an IP address. Typically a computer, but it may also be a printer, a switch, a router port.A "host IP number" is an IP number that can be assigned to a host. This excludes the first and last IP address of each network, which can't be assigned to hosts.A "host" is simply any point that has an IP address. Typically a computer, but it may also be a printer, a switch, a router port.A "host IP number" is an IP number that can be assigned to a host. This excludes the first and last IP address of each network, which can't be assigned to hosts.A "host" is simply any point that has an IP address. Typically a computer, but it may also be a printer, a switch, a router port.A "host IP number" is an IP number that can be assigned to a host. This excludes the first and last IP address of each network, which can't be assigned to hosts.