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11mo ago

It is possible that the guy is just being friendly or enjoys your company. However, it is important to respect his relationship with his girlfriend and not read too much into his actions. Clear communication and setting boundaries are key in these situations.

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Q: Does a guy like you when he smirk smiles but has a girlfriend?
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They like each other.

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What does it mean when a guy smiles at you but he has a girlfriend?

He was probly just flirting. and somtimes smiling is harmless?

What does that mean if the guy you like looks at you and smiles when your friend tells him you like him?

He might think your cute, like you, or be flattered that you like him. The only way to really know is to ask him or ask to be his girlfriend.

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I like this guy and he has a girlfriend?

If you like a guy and he has a girlfriend then you should back off and only try and be his friend.

What does it mean when a guy smiles at you has a girlfriend and loves to make you laugh?

Then, I'd imagine, you're friends with that guy. It doesn't necessarily mean he's into you, he's probably just social.

What to do if you like a boy with a girlfriend?

If the boy has a girlfriend, find a guy that doesn't have a girlfriend.

Every time i giggle or smile at this guy i like he smiles at me but when my friend smiles at him he doesn't smile at all why?

well did you ever think he may like you. or hates your friend