It could mean a guy likes you if he offers to make dinner for you. However, it could also just mean that he wants to be your friend and help you out. You need to look for other cues such as the guy wanting to be close to you.
am,l say he likes just becoz he asked to have dinner with u so he feels like he needs to pay.sometimes he might pay for it just to please u.good luck bebs.
It depends on if he asked you out in the first place. If he did, then you should be able to tell if he likes you by his behavior during dinner--did he look at you a lot, touch you, complement you, blush when you caught his eye? If you just ran into him and he payed for your dinner, he's probably just being a nice guy, but he could like you. It's probably a good idea to hang out with him a little more to see if he does anyting that makes it obvious.
Well you could take him out to a fancy dinner or make out with him!!
Guy and fyi guys if you make the girl pay your gonna get dumped i swear.
Depends on the guy but most of the time, yes!
just tell him u like to eat and that you would like to go out sometime
Ask him out. Simple as that. See what develops. Would you like to have dinner with me sometime?
You can't make a guy like you or want to be with you. He will or he won't.
There is no way to make a guy like you by force. He eather likes you or doesnt, that is the bottom line.
it depends if he a shy guy or not. if so, you should get to know each other more and probly ask you out to dinner one night.
Be straight up with him. Ask him to a movie or dinner.
well theres nothing you kan do but make them like you
yeah a fish can make a guy like them by giving them fish sexy looks :P
I think to make a guy like you, you should be yourself and i think he should fall for you if you are hot.