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it depends on the guy. for any decent man, yes, it means he likes you. especially if hand holding is repeated often with no expectations of "rewards" later.

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Q: Does a guy like you if he holds your hand on a date?
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If you are asking this question seriously then yes you should date him see what happens. If you are joking dont date him

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It means that that guy is gay and he seems intrested in you

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he's using you. run hard unless you want your heart hurt. :-/

Get a guy to touch you?

Tell him you like him and would like to go on a date. On the date you can ask him to touch you. Alternatively, you can gently take his hand and put it where you want it. Kissing is probably a better idea the first date.

What does it mean when a guy holds a hand shake?

That he wishes to perform oral sex on you.

What does it mean when a guy holds your hand while interlocking fingers?

If that happens it means they are in love.

If a guy holds your elbow does he like you?

If a guy holds your elbow it means he is protective over you and is caring towards you. This could mean he likes you.

What to do if a guy holds your hand?

if you don't know who in the world he is run away screeming. if you are "just friends" he likes you and wants you to be is girlfriend if you are not ready to get married don't start holding hands and stuff don't date until you are ready to get married

How do you date an American guy?

Just like you'd date any other guy

If a guy that once liked you and feelings are still there and holds your hand what does that mean?

Uh...he still likes you

What does it mean when ur guy friend holds you hand for an hour but he has a girlfriend?

That shes not dooooooin him enough