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He is bi-sexual

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Q: Does a guy like you if he brags about his girlfriend?
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What does it mean if a guy touches your butt then you try to kick him and then he brags to his girlfriend?

it can mean he likes you and was trying to pull it off or he got dared by hus girlfriend which is weird

What does it mean when a guy brags about his girlfriend to you and your cousins?

If this guy is bragging about nice things regarding his girlfriend to you and your cousins then it means he is very much in love with her. If he is not saying nice things about her or, if he is just bragging and has not mentioned the word love he is throwing the fact in your faces that he has someone and you and your cousins do not.

Does a guy want you when he brags about other women?


I like this guy and he has a girlfriend?

If you like a guy and he has a girlfriend then you should back off and only try and be his friend.

Where is the guy in cianwood city who brags about his rare Pokemon soulsilver?

in the caves

What to do if you like a boy with a girlfriend?

If the boy has a girlfriend, find a guy that doesn't have a girlfriend.

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If the guy you really like has a girlfriend what should you do ps- you really like this guy and had a crush on him for 2 years?

He has a girlfriend. So you butt out. It's not complicated.

How do you get over a guy that has a girlfriend?

you use his girlfriend like a ladder and jump over him

What do you do when your girlfriend wants to hang out with a friend who is a guy this guy used to like my girlfriend but now he has a girlfriend what do i do is it right for me to be bothered?

Well, its ok for them to hang out. If you trust her, then yes, if not then go with her. Like a double date.

How do you know that the guy you like doesn't have a girlfriend?

Spy on him! A wife caught a guy redhanded giving nude photos of himself to his girlfriend.