Yes and no. It does not shoot a projectile. It explodes a cap, which makes noise, and THAT is called firing or shooting.
Cock it? I think you just shoot until it runs out.
They shoot caps, which are paper rolls or discs which have a small bit of gunpowder on them that makes a noise when the gun is "shot".
pull down triger for 5 seconds then shoot 3 times
Booth used a single shot percussion cap Derringer.
"Cat Peeler" comes from "Cap Peeler," as in a person who "peels caps." To "peel a cap" means to shoot a gun, to peel the casing off the bullet when you fire, i think.
Knife is to Stab, as Gun is to Shoot.
A cap gun has no projectile- airsoft does.
you get a gun and shoot people you get a gun and shoot people
To shoot a paintball gun in Roblox, simply point to where you want to shoot at and click the left button of your mouse or trackpad.
They does shoot them from a movies gun
If you really want you can shoot anything you want with a gun