At the moment, none of the members have said they have girlfriends.However, Don joon and kikwang did have EX-girlfriends.
no, he is bisexual and currently is going out with yoon doojoon of B2ST.
The wolf is a beast.
"I'm a beast" could be a statement of self-hatred, as in attributing to oneself the more barbaric qualities of a beast. One could also say, for example "I am a beast at ice skating" meaning he is extremely talented in this area.
"paw" is the homophone for the clawed foot of a beast.
No, wilder beast does not rhyme with deer.
dunno but G-dragon is not a member of Beast, he's the leader of Big bang
no no no
i Believe you are thinking of beauty and the beast dramatic stuff!
One member does - @BeeeestDJ
Yes, her name is Viki Williamson.
a Lion
No they don't
u have to be a member and go to upgrade shop in battleon
no. he didn't think about that yet but he likes iu and maybe suzy.
Doesn't have one, not that I know of..? :) Ideal type is a girl with a pretty head!
tell them "At least I have a beautiful girlfriend! (belle)" -Xfroge-
It would be any high level revenants. Located in the wild