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Yes most likely but it's hard to answer when you don't say where you live. Laws differ between states and countries.

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Q: Does a 17 year old girl have to have parents consent to get married?
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In the state of Ga can a 16 year old girl get married to a 24 year old male with parents consent?

With parental consent, yes.

Can a 17 year old girl and a 17 year old boy get married without parental consent if they have a child?

No. You may be parents, but you are still minors and require parents consent. When you both turn 18 you can get married without your parents consent since at that point you are an adult.

Can a 20 year old guy and a 16 year old girl get married without consent of the girl's parents in GA If girl is pregnant?


Can a 17-year-old girl and a 34-year-old guy get married without her parents' consent?

No. Legally, the girl has to wait until she is 18.

Can a 17 year old girl get married without her parents' consent?

Depending on where you live, maybe. In most states of the US, no.

Can your parents get in trouble if they give you consent to get married at 16?

No, in your state 14 year olds can get married with parental consent

Can a 17 year old girl and 18 year old guy get married without the consent of parents if the girl is pregnant?

It depends on the state, according to George Lopez's tv show you can in Georgia!

Where can a 15-year-old girl get married without the consent of her parents?

There is no state that will allow a 15-year-old to get married without parental consent. Some states would not allow it even with parental consent. In the states that would allow it (with parental consent), court approval would also be required in a great many of them.

Can a sixteen year old get married with parents consent in California?

Yes they can.

Can a 18 year old guy and a 16 year old girl get married without consent of the girl's parents in TN?

To marry in any state of Australia you must be 18 years of age or over. Once you and your partner have turned 18, you may get married without your parents' consent. If you are 16 or 17 and want to get married, you have to make an application to the Magistrates Court for permission. [Marriage Act 1961 (Cth)]

Can a 16-year-old girl marry a 29-year-old man in Orlando fl?

If they parents consent, they can get married. Otherwise she must wait until she is 18.

Can a 18 year old girl and a 16 year old boy get married with the consent of the boy's parents?

If you are under the age of 16, you are unable to get married by law. However, if you are over 16 but under 18 you can get permission from the underage parties parents (the boys). Once you are 18, you can legally get married without the permission from parents.