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Q: Does a 13 year old have to give consent to talk to parents?
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Can a 17 year old male move out with parents consent in NV?

The parents can give them consent to move out. Without it they will have to be an adult.

Can your parents get in trouble if they give you consent to get married at 16?

No, in your state 14 year olds can get married with parental consent

Can a 17 year old and a 33 year old be together?

It's your parents who decide who you are allowed to see and if age of consent is 17 or younger where you live, you can give legal consent to sex.

Is it legal for a 26 year old man to talk to a 17 year old girl in North Carolina without the parents consent just talk no physical contact or sexual encounters?

The age of consent in North Carolina is 16 years old.

Can fifteen year old girl live with boyfriend with parents consent?

{| |- | A minor can live where ever the parents give permission. However, 15 is below the age of consent to sexual contact in most places. The parents cannot consent to breaking the law, it could place them in trouble as well. |}

Can you get married at 16 if your parents sign for it but your 17 year old fiance's parents don't?

If you're in the US, no, you could not. The parents of both minors would have to give signed consent.

Is it okay to date a 15 year old girl if your a 18 year old guy with parents approval in Arkansas?

Yes as long as you don't have sex. Parents can not give consent for that but the law must be followed where the minor must have reached age of consent in the state.

Can a eighteen year old date a sixteen year old with the sixteen year old consent of the parents but the needs the eighteen years old consent of the parents?

That is up to the parents. There are no laws regarding dating. Both are over the age of consent in most places.

Is there any possible way for a 16-year-old female in the state of Missouri to marry a 21-year-old male without her parents' consent without being emancipated?

No, the parents would have to give consent or the minor female would need to obtain the consent of the court before a marriage license would be issued.

Can 17 year old leave house with parents consent?

Yes, they certainly can as long as they have consent. It does not relieve the parents of their responsibilities.

Can a 16 year old move in with a friend with parent's consent?

As long as the parent give permission it is okay. The parents are still responsible for them.

Can a 17 year old move out of their home with parents consent?

Yes, with parental consent.