If something is downloaded, maybe! It usually doesn't happen, but on ecassions, my brothers mess up my laptop!!!
Dust cause viruses and other infections. In most cases, dust will also cause allergies as it carries different components.
viruses are considered parasites (obligate parasites) because they cannot exist on their own. they need the host cell's machinery to reproduce so they cannot "survive" (technically not living) outside the cell.
no bacteria is larger than viruses
viruses can be helpful because, some viruses can be used for cures. for example, USA. researcher suggest that adeno-associated viruses type 2 can Promises to be a breakthrough in cancer therapy
a virologist studies viruses
No YouTube accounts will not cause viruses.
Youtube videos do not have viruses. If you video the youtube video from the youtube official site. you can get viruses from malicious videos from third party sites claiming to be a youtube video. The main way people get infected is when they click on a malicious plugin popup message.
No oovoo can not cause viruses.
Parasites can carry and transmit viruses, but they do not "cause" them.
Some can cause cancer. They are called oncogenic viruses.
While most viruses co-exist harmlessly in their host and cause no signs or symptoms of disease, many of the viruses do cause fever.
No, Clubpenguin is a safe site run by Disney that does not cause viruses.
i don't think so but you might get viruses clicking adds
Sorta. People claim bad viruses are on YouTube like weegee virus (they say it destroys your computer or makes you a weegee clone) but u dont know if these are real or fake cause people don't know nor do most of these. It's ok but still be careful
Viruses can affect animals, and some viruses can affect plants.