Winchester Repeating Arms Company does not still make shotguns. The company was founded in 1866 by Oliver Winchester and was defunct on March 31, 2006.
Yes, both rifles and shotguns.
Along with several other companies- yes.
Winchester did not make revolvers,only rifles and shotguns,even in the 1920,s.
the Winchester 9410
One of the models that Winchester made in 1982 was the model 94 shotgun. The model 70 was also made in 1982.
model #24
Winchester made the 2.50in chamber in their shotguns up until 1927.In 1928 the change over was made to the 2.75 in.chamber on their shotguns.
Rifles, shotguns, handguns, machine guns. Mainly rifles and shotguns.
These inexpensive Winchester shotguns are selling for between 55-140 dollars.
They don't, the secondary market does.