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Q: Does Winchester make a model 865 lever action rifle?
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What is the value of a Winchester lever action rifle model 9422?

The value of a Winchester lever action rifle model 9422 will depend on the condition. They are currently listed for sale between $400 -$900.

How do you assemble a Winchester 243 lever action rifle?

The only Winchester made lever action rifle was the model 88.I would refer you to a good gunsmith to put your model 88 lever action rifle back together again,as these rifles are complex and should not be attempted by a novice.

Was the Winchester Rifle the first lever action rifle?

no the ak 47 hand gun model was

When was a Winchester model 77 serial number 1478 made?

I'm not familiar with a "Winchester model 77". Is this a bolt action gun or a lever-action rifle? Winchester's famous bolt-action hunting rifle is called the Model 70. Their most famous lever-action guns are the 1873 and 1894 models. Ruger is a company that has a bolt-action rifle called the Model 77.

Winchester Model 250 leveraction?

Yes winchester did make a model 250 lever action rifle from 1963-1974.

What is the value of a Winchester Model 98 lever action side eject?

you are mistaken Winchester model 88 is a lever action side eject rifle value is 300.00 to 450.00 depending on cond.

What is a Winchester 30 Cal Lever Action rifle Model?

Your model number should be posted on the rifle.If it has worn off do to age and handling then you have 4 choices.First if it is marked 30US.then you have a Model 1895 lever action rifle.Second if it is marked 30WCF,then you have a early model 1894 lever action rifle,or a model 55 lever action rifle.Last you could have a model 64 lever action rifle in 30-30 Win.

What year Winchester model 88 serial number 204860a?

your Winchester model 88 lever action rifle was made in 1967.

Winchester model 94 3030?

Millions made.

How old is winchester rifle serial no2345948?

If you are asking about a Winchester model 1894 lever action rifle?Then with the serial number that you have provided,your rifle was made in the year 1958.

When was Winchester rifle model 94 serial number 5016210 made?

With the serial number that you have supplied,your Winchester model 94 lever action rifle was made in the year 1981.