Detox or water pills. You can find detox at cvs or other stores like that. You can find water pills in the camping section at wal-mart.
You look for "detox" drinks, they don't detox your system , they mask drug in your urine for 3-4 hours after tacking it. Check at some local GNS, head shop, online . Many don't work well or they are detectable by laboratory test but several detox drinks have a good reputation
a lot.
you should be able to pass a urine test or swab test in 4-5 days with no efforts of detox. If you need to pass in less time there are detox methods and methods to "disguise" recent use, such as detox drinks, pills, synthetic urine, mouthwashes, etc.
Detox pills
um lots of bread water cranberry juice anything really that you can drink but when you do hold it in as long as possible so you know forsure that it is cleansen your system
Yes, the medicine Beano does work very well for gas. The pills can be purchased at drugstores and retail stores such as Walmart.
stop taking them....eventualy u can get a job
Fake weed doesn't show up on drug tests, therefore no need to detox.
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There are several ways to detox your body naturally. You can purchase powders, pills or simply eat healthy foods. Certain foods help to detoxify your body, such as prune juice, berries and detox tea. The Master Cleanse is a popular cleanse that includes natural foods including lemons, maple syrup and cayenne pepper. It tastes better than most drinks out there. HTH.