Tt depends on how much time has passed between the purchase and return date. If it's been over 7 days, the customer may have option of cash or credit. If its been less than 7 days, they are required to put it back on the card.
Walmart will accept returns within 90 days. They will offer an exchange, a gift voucher to the value of the item or even cash and do not require a receipt.
Many retail stores offer personal checks with cash back. Walmart is a large retailer that offers this service. For other options, search their check policies.
No, HSBC does not offer credit cards with cash back rewards. While their credit cards do offer cash back, it is not a reward and one can be charged a hefty interest fee when requesting cash back.
At this time, Walmart does not give its customers the option of getting cash back on a purchase made with one of its gift cards.
A cash back offer can benefit you if you purchase the product often. If you get cash back you can use that money on things such as bills or treat you to something nice.
There are many different credit cards that offer cash back. Some of the credit cards that offer cash back are Simply Cash from American Express and Ink Cash from Chase.
There are several credit card companies that offer cash back rewards to customers. Companies such as American Express offer 5% cash back on one of their range of cards.
Yes, Visa does offer a prepaid cash card that can be loaded with an unlimited amount of money and reused. You can purchase these cards from Visa or from Walmart.
No, Walmart does not offer mobile deposit services for cashing checks. You would need to visit a bank or check-cashing store to cash a check.
The minimum cash back allowed is $20, and the maximum is $100.
Some Visa credit cards do offer cash back on certain products. You would need to check with Visa first to be sure that your card is the kind that has cash back.
"There are a lot of credit cards that offer cash back, including Chase Freedom and Bank of America Cash Rewards. It is all based on your preference and what you want."