Cheerios, FiberOne, Special K, and most Chex cereals are a good choice for diabetics. They don't have too much sugar, and theyare healthy, nutritious, and tasty all at the same time!
Dorset Cereals, a UK company, produces Kosher Certified and other food to a very high quality standard. Loyal customers speak highly about the variety of nutritious, tasty, and affordable items that are available for breakfast.
On the internet there is a website called "Diabetics Daily" where people who have diabetes can go and post tips or suggestions to help others who suffer from diabetes. One person posted something about a tasty breakfast cereal that is safe for diabetics, they said that regular puffed wheat cereal is safest.
You can find tasty desserts for diabetics at You can also try
The Mayo Clinic offers a great diet plan for diabetics. Also, Diabetic Connect offers many cookbooks via mail order and online. These cookbooks contain many tasty recipes so that diabetics no longer have to have a bland diet.
There are many Web sites out there designed to give you tasty, nutritious recipes perfect for diabetics. Many of the recipes are free. You can go to and find everything from breakfast to desert. Another great source is
There are tons of great recipes for diabetics that can be found from website hosts such as "D life", "Diabetic Lifestyle", "Diabetes", and "Eating Well".
Sources with new and interesting recipes for diabetics are everywhere. Most often people use the websites: AllRecipes, Food, DiabeticGourmet and Food Network.
Two of the most affordable and healthy foods are potatoes and chicken. Both can be flavored in a number of ways so they can be as tasty as you like. There are many other affordable vegetables as well. Beans are usually low cost and have a lot of protein. They also can be flavored a number of ways to give you variety.
Yes , its possible to make an affordable yet healthy fast food restaurants since it's cheap, tasty, and, best of all, convenient.
A diabetes cookbook contains specially designed recipes for diabetics. The recipes will be low in sugar and carbohyrates, and often low in fat. Whole grains are substituted for simple carbohydrates in pasta and breads.