Mr. Heughan has not said, nor has he given any indication of his sexual orientation. Any other comment would be speculation.
Sam Heughan is 6' 3".
Sam Heughan is a Scottish actor born on April 30, 1980. As of May 2014, he does not have a girlfriend.
Sam Heughan was born on April 30, 1980, in New Galloway, Dumfriesshire, Scotland, UK.
NO, because nobody knows who he is and nobody likes him to be quite fair..
Sam Sparro's boyfriend is his stylist.
Lisa's boyfriend, Sam, is not listed in the cast.
sam does not have a boyfriend . she even has had trouble trusting boys ever since jonah. Refrence - idont like sams boyfriend
miranda coscrove the actress of carlyorif your referring to sam's boyfriend on ihate sam's boyfriend episode...aaron albert
In the episode ihate sam's boyfriend sam dates a boy named Jonah and also in the episodes iOMG, idate sam and freddie, ican't take it and ilove you, sam dates Freddie. GO SEDDIE!!!