If They Friend You Then It Will Notify You, But If They Just Search You Or Look At Your Profile Then It Wont Notify You. Hope This Helped!(:
No it does not mean they searched for you... When its says suggested friends either facebook or one of your friends suggested them to you...
Facebook notifies you if someone comments on a post the same you for one reason. The reason is so that you will know what's going on and to keep you updated.
Facebook does not notify for visits to a profile. If the Facebook page is private, then a request to be a friend must be made and accepted before a visit is allowed. Only upon comment, is a visit confirmed.
You cant, If you block someone he/she will not be able to find you through searches or by any software unless you unblock that person.
There is no function for that in Facebook but usually, Facebook does notify you when your page has a new view.
Bing search pops up on Facebook if they are paid and targeted on this platform.
Facebook is great for finding old friends using simple searches. You might begin by searching using the friend's name, then filtering by their age and location (if known). It may help if they have already made Facebook friends with a friend of yours.
I use Facebook Search service listed below. It allows to search all Facebook stuff without logging in. So, it doesn't record your searches for sure. Also it allows to search all facebook updates on the walls.
Nothing, really. After blocking someone or being blocked, neither of you will be able to see each other's pages. For all intents and purposes, you will not exist to each other, so far as Facebook is concerned.
No. Instagram doesn't notify you when that happens.