Yes you can pierce your ears at claires at any age you want HOWEVER I think 10+ is a good age.
They are not licensed to pierce let alone do ear stretching. The answer is no
You do. You should let them heal compleltely before starting to stretch them. You will have to wait about 6 months. ISH.
I use the sharp blade of my sword to pierce the heart of my enemy. My best friend is going to let me pierce her ears.
Some how I don't think they will let you pierce your own ears there, but you could ask them, you probably know more about ear piercing than they do. You know what save your self the grief go see a professional body piercer instead of wasting your time and money dealing with wanna bees.
Ads Should not promote drinking let alone underage drinking.
He goes to Justice and Claires were he buys let's just say accesories!
you will
Why would anyone want to re-pierce themselves if the holes are still open? You can take out the jewelry, let the holes close, and then get them redone (that is, if there isn't too much scar tissue), but other than that, you cant re-pierce what is already pierced.
NO! Anyone who would go out with someone or even just be impressed by a guys ears pierced isn`t worth dating! Another reason is that alot of girls parents wouldn`t let them date a guy who has there ears pierced like my dad! So I wouldn`t get them pierced plus if you do get your ears pierced it will hurt! I am a girl and like all girls I got my ears pierced and my sister`s ears got infected when she got her ears pierced and that REALLY HURT!
You may find that there is no scientific reason girls and boys pierce their ears, it is just for glamour reasons. It is not dangerous and you don't get a disease from it. The worst that can happen is that it gets infected, you have to let it heal and let it heal again. Girls pierce ears for fashion or cultural reason. There is no scientific reason for it. When ears are pierced, the earring is less likely to be painful to wear. Those who do not have pierced ears must wear a pinch type earring which can hurt the ear. Piercing the ear gives a means to "hang" the earring in a substantial bit of fat. It is less painful than the alternative.
Prevent underage drinking f I am a server, do not let people below the legal drinking age buy alcohol.
You can't glue your ripped ear, you would probably have to see a doctor and let the wound heal. Then go to a piercing shop and get it pierced again