Cameron has two sister ones name is Anna and the others name is Bridget.
He has 2 sisters, Anna quiseng 17 almost and Bridget quiseng 10 years old
does cameron quiseng have a facebook and what is it
Cameron Quiseng's Favorite color is green.
Cameron Michael Quiseng goes by Cam.
Cameron Quiseng's last name is pronounced: "Kee-sing".
Cameron Quiseng is currently single and has never been in a relationship before, but it looking for one :)
No, Cameron Quiseng is not a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (the "Mormon" church).
Anna and Bridget Quiseng
Cameron Quiseng is 5'9 to 5'10 my friend is 5'9 and Cameron looked taller than her so i would say he is more about 5'10.