You could contact Winchester/Browning directly and they will have a answer for you.You May find the info that you need on there web site.
I Was a Teenage Hand Model was created in 1998.
I do believe you have a 1921 model, but according to the singer website, for a machine that old, you would need to email or call them in order to get the model type.
They haven't come up with a specific date, but it could possibly come later this year or early 2012
The Twilight hand model is a hand-and-foot model who's name is Kimbra Hickey, and she outed herself just recently. The photographer's name is Roger Hagadone. Hickey's feet were also on a New York billboard.
A hand held model is cheaper, but a push model blows much more snow.
By hand
It's V1, which mean Version 1.0
with hand
with hand
what model
Sometimes. Depends on the make and model.
it stands for version 2 because he is the younger brother of Matt (version 1)