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I have been pregnant on two occassions. On both occassions the first signs of pregnancy were sore breasts.

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Q: Do your breasts get hard during the first month or two when pregnant?
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When do your breasts start to hurt if you are pregnant?

Usually right before your 1 month.

If you are a month pregnant and your breasts are not sore should you be concerned if your breasts were very sore during your last two pregnancies?

The thing to remember with each pregnancy your breasts need less work to prepare. I bet if you think back, they were worse with the first one than the second. Mine were very sore with my first and not sore at all with my second (a twin pregnancy).

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Could it be a sign of pregnancy if you normally get swollen breasts during ovulation but this month you are experiencing soreness of the nipples especially on the right side?

if you normally have swollen breasts then it could simply be that they are just slighty worse this month, although this is a common sign that you could be pregnant if you are unsure then you should take a test or speak with your doctor.

Can a mare get pregnant in August?

Yes, she can. If she comes into season during that month or any month for that matter she can get pregnant.

Sore breasts and nausea mid cycle can you be pregnant?

If you had your period that very month and had no sexual activity after your period then you cannot be pregnant. Plus, it's normal to have sore breasts and feel nauseous when you're ovulating. PLUS, you cannot have symptoms that early.

Can you have your period the first month and still be pregnant?


How much weight will you gain in the first month of being pregnant if your 89 pounds and 125 pounds?

In your first month of being pregnant if your 89 pounds and 125 pounds probably like 2 or 3 pounds depending on the person is like my cousin when she was pregnant she lost 20 pounds during hers maybe you will to.

Does the veins in your breasts become more noticeable when you are pregnant?

Yes. Mine started to become noticeable at about my third month, but everybody is different.

Can During your first month into your pregnancy your breasts hurt and your nipples itch?

Every woman's development is different, but yes, it is possible. Breasts grow through a great many changes in preparation for nursing a child. It is worth noting that pregnancy is not the only cause of aching breasts and itching nipples.

When do the breasts start to increase in size during a pregnancy?

Hello, You may notice changes in your breasts within the first 2 months of pregnancy. As for there size increase, this usually occurs during & after the 4th month of pregnancy. ------------------------------------------------------------ Please note this is advice only & is not to be used in place of a Medical experts. ------------------------------------------------------------

Can someone get their period the first month of pregnancy?

Yes. But second month you can't get it if you are pregnant. :)