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I've Missed my period for about 3 weeks now. I've been trying to eat things but right after I do I just throw it up. I can't eat anything. Haven't for bout 3 days now am I pregnant or not?

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Q: Do you throw up all day when your pregnant or is their just something wrong with your body?
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NO... it just means you are extremely lucky... some ppl dont get morning sickness nand some ppl do. All morning sickness is is how your body reacts to the hormones.

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This can be because it can carry out medication or rotten food. This is so it doesn't affect anything inside the body. Cases have been known when a lot of local anaesthetic is used on a patient, it is normal for them to throw up afterwards to get it out of the body. Throwing up tells you something is wrong and from then on you can decide what it might be.

I'm not pregnant but my period has stopped What could be wrong?

But seriously: Are you sure you are not pregnant? Tests can be wrong. How long have you been without your periods - days or months? Best to get personal medical advice (visit doctor or clinic) just to see how your body is working.

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your body knows when something is wrong so it trys to fight it before it spreads in the wrong places your body knows when it knows.. DONT QUESTION THE BODY MAN!

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