Yes you do get pains in the first month of pregnancy, however it doesn't end there. I was terrified as I had suffered a misscarriage in June of this year. I was convinced I was getting my periods as I was cramping a lot. When I didnt get them after a week I did a test and it was positive. Five days later I started bleeding and the cramping got unbearable. After a scan I realised I had miscarried. In August of this year the same thing happened; I was cramping a lot and I was pregnant. I associated this cramping with miscarriage and the fact that I had gotten pregnant so soon after terrified me. But I am now 12 weeks and nearly out of the danger zone. I still get cramps on and off so I take great comfort in knowing that it is normal. I havent had any bleeding or fever, just all the ailments of pregnancy (tiredness, nausea etc) which I try my best to enjoy because I know I'm so lucky.
Yes some girls have period pains in the first month but it doesn't always mean a miscarriage is on its way; sometimes you can get period pains and the baby is fine. You get period pains because your belly is stretching so there is enough room for the baby. It doesn't mean that there is going to be a miscarriage.
Pain that is heavy cramping and accompanied by bloody discharge or bleeding like having a period could indicate a miscarriage. It is difficult to tell that early in a pregnancy unless you have a doctor's exam.
No. This is normal and you may feel little pains or cramps every month around the time of ovulation. The main sign of pregnancy is a lack of a period.
Contractions feel like period pains on a whole new level. Imagine your worst period pain ever times at least 5. That's what labor pains feel like.
If you know you are pregnant, then "period pains" and "a period" are actually pregnancy related pains and spotting/bleeding that needs to be evaluated by a doctor asap! If you just suspect you are pregnant then, yes, those symptoms can be experienced in early pregnancy and everything could be just fine. You need to take a pregnancy test as soon as you calculate that is has been long enough for accurate results. Good Luck!!!
Headache is not a symptom of pregnancy.
Feels like growing pains
Signs of pregnancy are absent period and positive pregnancy test. Watery discharge, butterflies, and lower back pains are not signs of pregnancy.
If you had implantation bleeding then that means you are pregnant. Implantation bleeding is a result of the fertilized egg implanting itself into the uterine wall. Your symptoms of pregnancy will usually appear anywhere from the first week of your expected period to 1-2 weeks after your first week of expected period. Your first signs of pregnancy most commonly include missed period, tender/swollen breasts, change in color of the breasts, fatigue, nausea/vomiting, increased sense of smell, and weight gain. Here is a link to a website that will calculate the probability of your pregnancy:
With my first pregnancy I just had the implantation bleeding, no cramping, I felt wonderful. With my second pregnancy I had awful period like cramps. I didn't think I could be pregnant because it felt like my period was coming.
For most women the first sign of pregnancy is a missed period. Some women do have cramping and spotting when the embryo implants into the uterine wall a week or two out.
yes you can. i had period pains about 12 weeks into my pregnancy. i am now 37 weeks pregnant.
Yes, they are. Take a pregnancy test if you miss your period