You can refer to them as elders, seniors, or older adults.
A woman older than a cougar is sometimes humorously referred to as a sabertooth.
YouTube is older than Facebook. YouTube was launched in February 2005, while Facebook was launched in February 2004.
Temari is oldest, then Kankuro, then Gaara
Yes, Ántonia is older than Yulka. Ántonia is a mature girl while Yulka is still a child.
You can either say: He is older than I am or you can can say she is older than me.
Here is the meaning of the words "noona" and the other similar words:unni = What girls say to older sisters or girls older than themselves.oppa = What girls say to older brothers or boys older than themselves.noona = What boys say to older sisters or girls older than themselveshyung = What boys say to older brothers or boys older than themselvesdongsaeng = younger siblings
Here is the meaning of the words "noona" and the other similar words:unni = What girls say to older sisters or girls older than themselves.oppa = What girls say to older brothers or boys older than themselves.noona = What boys say to older sisters or girls older than themselveshyung = What boys say to older brothers or boys older than themselvesdongsaeng = younger siblings
Both expressions go fine (in what I have read at least)
Yes. My sister is 2 years older than me. Your sister is two years older than you. Comparative adjectives - older - are used with than. Bigger than, smaller than. tighter than. Or if the adjective has more than 2 syllables say: more exciting than, more interesting than, more expensive than
gogle balddf
You cheat and say you are older than you really are.
no I say yes depending on you age. if he/she is 18 and older and you like 17 and younger then no.
oppa for a girl to say to a guy hyung for a guy to say to a guy
It is not possible to say, because both dialects are older than the existence of their written forms.
Older than
mas viejo/a que (male/female)