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You could, but most people don't; the melting ice waters down the beer, weakening the taste.

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13y ago

You can but no one does because it will water it down and you are supposed to drink it slowly.

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Q: Do you put ice in beer?
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Will a egg float in Root beer?

Get a cup and pour a couple of inches of cold (preferably Mug Root beer) into it..then add a few spoonfuls of vanilla ice cream to the cup.. then pour the cold root beeron top of the ice cream and TADA!! You have a Root Beer Float :)

What could substitute vanilla ice cream in a root beer float?

you can put alot of cherries and some vanilla flavoring and cold ice

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In general there is about 1% more alcohol in an ice beer then a comparable one.

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Root beer with ice cream is called a Root Beer Float. I don't think there is a specific name if the ice cream is chocolate.

Are there peanuts in beer?

no there is no peanuts in beer put you could put the in if you want

What is an example of an ice cream drink?

One example is a float, where you put a scoop of ice cream into a glass of soda (usually root beer or cola). Another is a milkshake, where you blend the ice cream until it is a smooth liquid.

Why dont they make root beer flavor ice cream?

If they don't, you can. Breyers makes an ice cream with a Root Beer sherbet swirl.

Is beer have more fat than a serve of ice cream?

Beer contains no fat.

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Does Root Beer contain potassium?

A root beer float has vanilla ice cream in it. Root beer itself does not contain vanilla.

What do you call the cups that you put beer in?

A beer stein.