Yes it has to be pumped at least 3 time and not more than 10 times per the Owners Manual. See the link below for the Owners Manual
No the Pumpmaster has more power and can shoot BBs or Pellets
Pointed Pellets will have more penetration.
See the link below for the owners manual.
Yes, but I would use Pellets not BB's in the rifle. Pellets are more accurate and deform on impact. BB's are not as accurate and do not deform on impact.
There are nine different versions of the 760 pumpmaster, see the link (below) and find your version. Check the parts manual for a diagram.
Definetly the pump master. It is a multi pump gun so the fps depends on the number of pumps.
See the link below.
First of all the 760 Pumpmaster can shoot any brand of BB's without any harm. But if you want Copperhead then I suggest you look at any sporting goods store. Like Walmart or Kmart. If you can not locate them then I suggest looking Online at Pyramydair they are the largest air gun store online.
I suggest you direct this question directly to Crosman Customer service. See the link below.
These rifles are very similar. Their are several variations of both rifles. Basically it came down to the shots that could be stored ( BB's) the original 760 only shot BB's and held 180 BB's. later versions could also shoot .177 pellets. The Pump Master had an 18 shot BB mag and a 5 shot .177 pellet mag
PSI: It depends on how many times you pump the forearm. But Crosman says to never pump it more than 10 times. The 760 is rated at 625 FPS with a BB and 600 FPS with a pellet.
No it's not designed that way. Even a few pumps will produce enough power to do damage.