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i did so i thing the answer is a big YES

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Q: Do you poop or pee when you get knocked unconscious?
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Related questions

What do people poop out?

They mostly poop out poop and mostly pee, pee

When someone is knocked out they are what?


What do people poop out most?

They mostly poop out poop and mostly pee, pee

Do poops poop?

pee pee

Can a zombie get knocked out?

a zombie will fall down if struck on the head, but will not get knocked unconscious.

How do you spell unconchase?

The spelling is unconscious (knocked out).

Do buzzards pee?

Of course they pee. They pee when they poop. LOL

How do you spell uncontous?

The likely word is "unconscious" (knocked out).

What is vice president called if president is unconscious?

Well, if he knocked the president unconscious, then he's called a "criminal".

How do you poop out pee?

You can't

Can you poop yourself after being knocked out?


Were do baby's poop and pee?

the poop comes out there butt hole daaaaaaah and the pee comes out there privte part you retard