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No I don't

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Q: Do you poop a lot when your suppose to start your period?
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Cause it's fun

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Why do you poop more when your on your period?

you poop more because the tip of your uteris presses ur colon this is not 4 every1 so yes some people do poop more when you have ur period **Actually, it is common for girls to poop a lot during their period because of hormone level changes. the hormones that signal the release of the lining of the uterus also signal the gastro system; making your bowels move more. this is also why girls commonly have excessive gas during their period. Don't worry if you poop a lot though! it is completely normal and it is good for you. it cleans out your system, and it a good sign that some of your major organs are working properly. and it is healthy for people to fart an average of 14 farts a day (although that can be altered by things such as what you eat, anxiety, or periods). Some women have a tilt on their uterus, which presses against their colon.. meaning there is more pressure within the colon, and they generally have to poop more. if you are experiencing extreme pain or other elevated symptoms during your period, consult a doctor. excessive diarreah can be a sign of a health problem.