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Q: Do you need a permit to buy a rifle in mn?
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No. You'll have to start the permit process over again.

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At 18+ you do not need to take the learners class [drivers ed] you can directly take the test for getting your license.

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This is a worldwide community to answer questions. You will have to define the meaning of "Mn". Is that supposed to mean something or was that a typo?

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Can a felon own a crossbow in mn?

Depends if you have any restrictions on you terms of release or probation... I'm a felon and i don't have any restrictions on my probation about dangerous weapons but i know i can not have a rifle spot gun bb gun paintball gun or a muzzle loader (new law passed not many people know about it not even my PO) but in MN you can have, own ,use, possess a archery bow, and a crossbow. The crossbow can only be used during the archery season with a disability permit from the DNR or it may be used Durning the rifle season by info is from endless hours of research and from a MN conservation Officer.

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