think 7 states dont allow Open Carry
You need a license to carry a firearm in many places. You cannot carry one on an airplane.
You will need to consult with a lawyer for a legal and correct answer.
You need to define"firearms license". There is no license needed to own or to carry a firearm in AZ.
You have to define firearms license- there are several different ones. License to own, to carry concealed, to collect, sell, import?
No. You do not have to register any weapon in Missouri. The only permit needed in Missouri is the permit to carry a concealed weapon.
depends.. =]
To carry a handgun openly or concealed in the state of Georgia (other than on your property or inside your home, car, or your place of business), you must have a Georgia Weapons Carry License (or the older Georgia Firearm License)
You need a license no matter where you live or how small the caliber. A firearm is a firearm. No ifs, ands, or buts about it.
with your feet
You do not need a drivers license to register a car in the state of Missouri. A drivers license is only required if you intend to drive the car.
In Missouri a 12 year old does not need a fishing license. A person does not need a fishing license until they are older.