In terms of a drivers licence or state issued identification card, yes. As for a licence to buy a rifle, no. You just need to show ID, fill out the Form 4473, and be able to pass the NICS criminal background check.
A driver's license is not required to purchase a car in the state of Texas. A license is required in order to drive the car.
are you asking if you need a drivers licence? walmart sells them but I believe you have to be 16 or18 to buy them
You will need to define assault rifle, and where you live. A TRUE assault rifle is a machine gun, and transfers of them are tightly regulated by the Federal government. What most people CALL an assault rifle is nothing but a semi-automatic rifle, and in most of the US, does not require a license to possess.
You will need SOME kind of LEGAL and VERIFIABLE identification to buy a firearm from a licensed FFL dealer.
Actually, according to a new law that took affect on 1 Jan 2012, you do need a license to buy scrap gold, and you also need to make sure that your scale is state certified
No, you do not need a licence in Florida in order to buy a rifle.
yes you do
You don't need a license to buy a car, but you need a license to drive a car on a public highway.