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Never! This is a big no no. For one if your a girl and you perseu the kiss then this guy will think you are easy for one, and 2 he will think that kissing you will always be readily available. That should never be the case. Its the first date for crying out loud. Now if it is the guy trying to go in for the kiss it is different because then the girl views him as a pervert or a horn dog and all the other good names that come with just being a guy. hold back on the kiss and the girl will admire you more. There is also a sense of mysterie there for the girl. She will be left thinking "well why didn't he try to kiss me" and it drives them wild then the next date you have with her she will be more physical throughout the night and that's a big plus for you and the road on to a real relationship. Second dates are made for kissing but not a full on makeout session so keep your head on straight. The 3rd is all out war! you can even invite the person to your house for a bonafied makeout session. No holds barred after that baby! Good luck

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 11mo ago

It depends on personal boundaries and comfort levels. Some people may feel comfortable kissing or making out on a first date, while others may prefer to wait. It's important to communicate with your date and respect each other's boundaries.

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βˆ™ 11y ago

There are various opinions on this matter, some of which are listed below. It is important to remember that the following is advice and that all relationships are different.

  • First date, first kiss.
  • But if they don't seem like they want to then they might just be waiting for you to make the first move.
  • I have to disagree. You should wait until the fifth of sixth date because you barely know each other and should wait until you do that. If you kiss on the first date it might ruin all you could of had. Think about that.
  • It depends, if it's a blind date then no but if you really like the guy and he likes you then it's just waiting to happen but that's just with most guys. Some like to save it others may like to kiss on the first date. Just wait until the date and see what happens.
  • If he tries to kiss you, tell him you'd like to wait until later. Everybody I've known who has kissed on the first date ended up breaking up within the next week.
  • Definitely not. Why kiss someone you barely even know yet? You should wait until you know each other more and then it will be more special and meaningful. Plus, if you want the relationship to be real and not just physical, then you should definitely wait.
  • Well, it depends how it is going. If you were great friends before, know each other well and really like each other then maybe that would be good. Don't move things too fast though. Make sure you are confident about it and it's not peer pressure. If he/she leans in to then only kiss if you are ready don't do it knowing you weren't ready.
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βˆ™ 10y ago

No. Not on the first date...or the second for that matter. If you are a boy, it is gentlemenly to wait. It shows the girl you are thinking of her and are conserned about her being comfortiable ahead of your own pleasure. If you are a girl, wait until the boy makes a move first, not you. It's not your place. However, you can let him know you're ready and comfortiable for a kiss, but wait at least the third date to reasure that he is comfortiable with a kiss.

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βˆ™ 14y ago

i would like to say that in all truth it doesn't matter who starts it if you want to kiss him and he seems to nervous to start it you do it this is a serious problem really as many boys don't want to go in for a kiss on the first date in case they called it wrong and get a slap or called a perv so yes you should be willing to kiss him if you want to he doesn't have to start it

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βˆ™ 14y ago

No but every time you see in his eyes he wants a kiss.... then give it to him

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βˆ™ 15y ago

no, because you dont really know him that well and if you did you should of asked him out earlier.

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βˆ™ 13y ago

Only if u are truly interested in the person or if u needingly desperate to get ur rocks off

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βˆ™ 9y ago

Yes, of course kissing is okay on a first date. You can do anything you want on a first date as long as you both consent.

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βˆ™ 12y ago


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Q: Do you make out on your first date?
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