Sarah Hicks
Nope :)
no you cant a sperm is what gets you pregnant
You now if you had sex with a man/women and it does not necessarily mean your pregnant.
Ask her if you want to know. Like she's going to tell somebody.
No, a female can only loose their verginity by penetration of the penis.
Yes this is normal for woman because once you lose your virgenity it starts to be late and then get later and later soon it will be at the end and maybe even at the begging of every month. You risked losing your virgenity and this is what you get for it. Its just apart of life and you need to understand that. Well that really all you have. Its just because you lost your viguinty to a man and was it the right man to lose it to? Maybe... Maybe not... Are you guy plaining anything????? Well talk to your docter for more information!
Well Once you have fingured yourself you should get one on the second full moon. This is only if you have consisted a pure Mellon food diet.
What are you asking? I am gonna assum you mean fingering a virgin, then probably not, or if you do it will hurt them. Though i whould say it is not a test for virginity if thats what your tryin to do.
Well if your in the puberty phases then yes but 12 is a little to young to have s.e.x I'm 13 and I lost my virgenity and I regret it
because most guys suck at fingering girl and they dont know how to do it write. so out there for you guys Kendal and Glinda have there own fingering class.... trust me we know how to make your lady sceam...and so does mr. carter :D