Sometimes people lose weight when they are ill, but there are many different kinds of illness and they have many different kinds of symptoms. It is also possible to gain weight when ill.
yes, you can but it is not recommended. if you lose weight all at once you may fall seriously ill.
No you just end up being ill and it is not healthy
eat more fruits and veggies. stay out of McDonalds.
Diet and exercise is always the most efficient and healthiest wa to lose weight.
Yes. You would also become ill quickly.
It's asking a lot of your body to lose so much weight in such a short time. You might become ill trying to lose weight so fast. Take it easy.
There is no way to just lose weight from you legs. The only way to accomplish this is through an overall healthy diet and exercise plan. Everyone's body loses weight in a different area first.
He's never lost a lot of weight, he was always skinny, he gained a bit of weight whenever he was doing a tour because he would lose a few pounds during his shows and at his natural (skinny) weight it wouldn't have been healthy and he probably would have gotten ill.
No! Unfortunately they make women ill and stinky. no they make u look like a fat smelly old lady =D
how to lose weight
It might be possible through some form of weight loss surgery or extreme ill health. However, it is not possible to lose forty pounds in two weeks by any natural means.
You don't actually lose weight, you lose you appetite as one of the side effects which can lead to the loss of weight. But it is not healthy whatsoever to take if you plan on losing weight. There is no such drug that you can take that will make you lose weight, the best weight is through deit and excecise.