

Best Answer

Yes it is true. You lose 7 minutes of your life for every cigarette you smoke.

I disagree.There is no way one can quantify such a variable. Many heavy smokers live to a ripe old age. Some light smokers die relatively early as do some nonsmokers. For smokers and nonsmokers alike the mortality (death) rate is 100%!

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Q: Do you lose seven minutes of your life per cigarette you smoke?
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Related questions

What does smoking do?

Give you lung cancer and every cigarette you smoke, you lose 7-11 minutes of your life.

Why should'nt people smoke?

Well the obvious answer is that smoking kills you. Every time you smoke a cigarette it sheds off about 5 minutes of your life. Which is actually funny because it also takes around 5 minutes to smoke it.

How many minutes of your life do you lose when you smoke?

You don't die instantly from smoking but over the years it begins to effect your lungs and you could end up with cancer, terminal or not. If you don't smoke you are saving years of your life, because the more you smoke the less time you have alive!Seriously About every 3 minutes someone dies from smoking.

Is there scientific evidence that proves for every cigarette you smoke a minute is taken off of your life?

My stop smoking worker told me that smoking one cigarette takes 5 minutes off your life. But if you are only young, then you can become healthy again fast, unlike somebody that has been smoking for 30 years. smoking has over 4000 deadly chemicals in one smoke. some include nail polish remover, dust from a factory floor, and even carbon monoxide that if you breath in enough times it makes you sleepy and kills you in your sleep by seeping into your heart and painfully shuts it down :(

How much life does one cigarette take off someone's life?

I've heard 2.5 minutes per cigarette

How many seconds does smoking take away from a person's life?

About 15 minutes each cigarette smoked.

What are the dangers of smoking one cigarette?

did you know smoking one cigarette can take 10 minutes of you life? every day you have of a cigarette takes 10 seconds offy your life.

What is the cheat on gta vice city to smoke on ps2?

You can smoke using the code certaindeath.This will give you a cigarette. smoking is injurous to health.Do not smoke in real life.

What does cigarette smoke ruin?

basically everything. your house your clothes your LIFE and even someone elses

Smoking a single cigarette life expectancy?

About 5 minutes, if you take it slow.

How much time does one cigarette take away from your life?

7 minutes.

Does one cigarette shorten your life?

Yes. according to this site, by 11 minutes...