I have exactly the same problem and i dont know what is causing this?
Vortex - iPod game - happened in 2006.
yes, you push the game center app and hold until all app starts shaking and then it should have a X on it, you click the x and push delete. probably they same way with the voice memos.
no, you cannot, unless the iPod game was already a computer game. (EG: Crush the Castle, was a computer game before it was made an iPod game). :(
To transfer download iPod apps (games) onto your iPod, connect your iPod to the computer and open iTunes. Click on the Ipod sign. Then when it says update or restore go to the top of that little bar above it. It will say "summary, apps, ext.. Click on apps and mark the apps you want to put back on your Ipod. Hope that helped.
No it does not if you restore your ipod and then load from the computer ALL game data will be lost
When you restore an iPod it will wipe all data saved on it. Yeah
If you backup your iPod or sync it to your PC, then you can restore it and it will use the data you synced earlier to restore on your ipod. In other words, nothing, as long as you back it up or sync it.
Yes when you restore your iPod all your data will still be on your iTunes Account. As the system is restoring system files and not your media stored on the device or within iTunes.
Plug it into your computer. Open iTunes. Open the iPod tab. Sync it. Click restore. WARNING: THIS WILL ERASE ALL DATA FROM THE IPOD. Use the backup created when you synced earlier to restore the data. This will not put the jailbreak back on.
No if you save your Ipod apps and music none of your app data will be lost.
Go onto itunes click on my documents then click restore ipod and it will ask you if you want to restore your ipod or not click ok then hopefully it should restore your ipod but it will go back to how you found your ipod when you first got it.thankyou,i hope this will work for you!!!
it comea with the ipod
Sadly you will have to restore your device, All Un-Synced Data will be lost.
i restore my ipod classic but says in still need to restore it
It uses it up to put music or if you have an ipod to put all of apple's data & System Restore settings on it!
The 'restore' function in iTunes is used when something on your iPod goes wrong and still turns on, and every trick in the book has been used. It completely resets the iPod to the point where it has no data whatsoever. It is basically the master reset button for the iPod.