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For most tests, yes. But there are a few that can be taken a few days before you are supposed to start.

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Q: Do you have to wait until you miss a period before taking a pregnancy test?
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Can you take your pregnancy test 5 days before your period?

Certain pregnancy tests will show 5 days before your missed period, however I would wait until your period is officially late to take one just in case.

Can you start taking birth control a week and a half before your period is set to come and if you do this will it suppress your period until you stop taking the pills?

If you want to suppress just the one period you can get specific pills from the doctor, but if you need contraception as well you can start birth control. However you will not be protected from pregnancy for about 3 weeks.

Is it normal if you started taking the birth control Yasmin on the Sunday before your period and are now taking the sugar pills but don't have a period?

Your period would probably not come until your 3rd or 4th sugar pill. If you started taking the pills on the Sunday before your period did that period come?

How many days before your missed period do you need tot take a pregnancy test?

You shouldn't start worrying until after you miss your period.

How long do I have to wait until I can take a pregnancy test?

Most women should wait at least a few days after sex before taking a pregnancy test.

Will taking a pregnancy test in the process of missing a period by accurate?

If it's positive, it 's accurate. If it's negative, you can't trust it until your period is a week or so late.

Is 9 days before a missed period to soon to take a pregnancy test?

Yes it is, you should take the test at the earliest which is 5 days before a missed period. 5 days before a missed period? how is she going to know her period is not going to come ahead of time? I would wait until the period doesnot come to take the test or only take it before the period if you believe you are having an unwanted pregnancy.

First sex was before menstruation but regular periods for the next 6 years until this month. Can the skipped period be caused by pregnancy?

Yes, that is a possibility. One skipped period is of itself not a certain indication of pregnancy, but it's one explanation for the missed period. Consider a pregnancy test.

When should you take a pregnancy test after sex?

From the lables on most pregnancy tests they wont registare the pregnancy hormone until around the time you miss your period. I find it varies by person though. I would say wait a week or two before taking it. If you don't miss your period there shouldn't be much of an issue but you may want to take one if you are really worried.AnswerFrom the lables on most pregnancy tests they wont registare the pregnancy hormone until around the time you miss your period. I find it varies by person though. I would say wait a week or two before taking it. If you don't miss your period there shouldn't be much of an issue but you may want to take one if you are really worried. AnswerSome doctors suggest between 3 - 4 weeks but there are new pregnancy test kits that can be used within a few days check with your local wal mart or pharmacy.

How many days before your period should I wait to take a pregnancy test?

Most women wait until their period is overdue. They don't take a test before their period. Why waste money on a test when you don't suspect that you're pregnant?

If you think you're pregnant should you stop taking the birth control pill?

Well if you have taken a home-pregnancy test and it is positive then yes, you should stop. But you should not take the pregnancy test until at least the day of your expected period or 14 days after intercourse other wise your results will not likely be accurate. If you do get a positive pregnancy test then go ahead and stop taking your birth control and make an appointment with an OB/GYN. If the test is negative, continue taking your birth control pills until you do get a positive pregnancy test. If you stop taking it before you get the test results and it is negative, your chances of pregnancy are heightened greatly. But if you continue taking it until you get a positive test result, you will not have had enough to cause any harm to the baby.

Can you take pregnancy test to see before next period is due how long?

You can take a pregnancy test whenever you want but it will not be accurate until your period is about 5 days late. Used earlier may give you a false negative result.