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No. You can use the sidekick for texting and phoning and elect not to have the sidekick package which costs an extra 20 per month. It's a cool phone and t-mobile has some pretty nice rates for phone and text only.

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Q: Do you have to use a sidekick plan when getting a sidekick?
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Can you buy a Sidekick 08 and use aim without getting a plan for it?

If you want to use internet on your Sidekick 08 phone, you would Sidekick Data plan for that.

Does it matter witch Sidekick you use if you want to get the sidekick prepaid plan?

No, it should not matter. As long as you have a Sidekick phone and you want to use internet on it, then register the phone for a Sidekick Data plan.

Can you get a sidekick without a plan?

yes you can but getting it without a plan will cost you more

Does a sidekick have free aim?

you have to get a sidekick plan.

Do you have to pay for internet on a preppaid sidekick?

To use internet on Sidekick phones, you would need to register the device for a Sidekick Data plan, as regular data plans do not work on these phones.

Can you get free instant messenger with the sidekick id basic individual plan Which is only 30 a month.Or do you also need the Sidekick Unlimited Web 400 Messages service?

just get the normal sidekick plan or the prepaid sidekick plan.

How do you restore the data service on the Sidekick ID?

u must have sidekick data plan threw tmobile u must have sidekick data plan threw tmobile

Can I use my sidekick 3 phone outside USA?

You can use your Sidekick 3 phone in select markets outside the USA. Make sure that you have a roaming plan, otherwise you will be hit with large fees.

How much will it cost to buy the sidekick id and add it to a family plan?

it will cost $900,000,000,000,000 to buy the sidekick and add it to a family plan

Is the sidekick lx prepaid?

Yes, only if you buy the phone at the retail price of $399.99 US Dollars without any plan or contract. Then you could use the prepaid pay as you go minutes. Resources: TMobile Customer Service and Personal Experience

Can you use a used sidekick that was given to you and put a plan on the phone?

All you gotta do is go to your nearest T-Mobile store and convince them it's yours. Then you can purchase a plan and put the number on that phone.

How much do a sidekick data plan cost?

$20 Unlimited $30