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yes you have to have danawa, but I cant remember where i got it. i think it is on NASA 2 or 3

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Q: Do you have to use a certain spectrobe to find mossari?
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no you can't you first have to get danawa on ness area 3 then use danawa to get messa. if you are talking about money mesa you get ruby Sapphire or emerald then sell them on nessa area 1Answerno you can't you first have to get danawa on ness area 3 then use danawa to get messa. if you are talking about money mesa you get ruby Sapphire or emerald then sell them on nessa area 1 Answerno Answercan anyone tell me hot to get mesa (spectrobe) in the game? please and thank youwhere do I find the spectrobe Messa?????

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simply use the firegeo and to hit him you have to catch him off gaurd. its easy if you have and adult spectrobe. trust me i beat it twice.

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