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Frequent urination is a common symptom of early pregnancy. However, not all women will experience it.

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Q: Do you have to pee alot early in pregnancy?
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How do you change weak positive pregnancy to storng pregnancy?

Wait until you need to go in the morning. Don't drink alot of water or liquids just to feel the need to pee. Use your morning pee. It is always the strongest!

When your pregnant do you wake up early?

Later in the pregnancy, the fetus will push on your bladder, which can cause you to need to pee more often than usual. But apart from that waking up early is not a recognized sign of pregnancy.

How early can signs of pregnancy occur and what are those signs?

Most times you throw up alot.

What does it mean when your pregnancy test comes out negetive?

either you are not pregnant or you tested too early.

Is dizziness an early sign pregnancy?

I don't believe so. Early signs of pregnancy: Headaches Mood swings Bloating, fullness, aches in the abdominal You go pee a lot :) Nausea and Vomiting Breast changes Sleepiness No menstrual period

If i took 3 pregnancy tests and got no answer could I be pregnant?

the most accurate time to take a PT is early in the morning with your first pee. . .

Can you have an ultra sound done without having to take a pregnancy test?

Well you are the one paying for it but they decide at the clinic. It's not that hard to pee in a cup. If the pregnancy is early they wont see anything.

Can a dog pee on a pregnantcy stick?

Okay, a dog can pee on a pregnancy stick but sometimes it might fail/not be true but most times it is to yes a dog can pee on a pregnancy stick.

Are your gums being sore a sign of early pregnancy?

i hear that during pregnancy your gums bleed alot maybe idk maybe you should loo into it good luck

Why do pee colors change?

Sometimes our pee change colour whether it is yellow or clear...If your pee is in yellow colour it means you need to drink alot of water and if it is clear you drink water alot.

Why do you pee a lot are you pregnant?

wel normally if u pee alot u are pregnant

What are the main early pregnancy symptoms?

Early pregnancy symptoms are uusally nausea, back pain and there is no menstrual cycle. Also gain in appetite or cravings for odd food. You may also experience sleeping alot and also mood swings.