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You only have to pay for the game. You do not have to pay to play it.

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Q: Do you have to pay to play games on an iPod?
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Can you play games on the iPod shuffle?

No, you cannot play games on the iPod Shuffle.

Can you get DS games on your iPod?

No you can not play DS games on your iPod

Can you play games on iPod shuffle?

Since an iPod shuffle doesn't even have a screen, how could you play games on it? Sorry, you can't play games on an iPod shuffle.

Can the the iPod Nano play games?

You can play some games on the 3rd to the 5th generation iPod Nano. These are not the same games you can play on the iPhone or iPod Touch.

Can you play games on the iPod classic?

Yes. You can get games from itunes for the classic. The games are a lot more fun on the ipod touch though, because you can only use those buttons to play the the games on the classic. If you want an ipod mainly to play games on it, get the touch.

Do iPod nanos have games on them?

You can play games on 1-5th generation ipod nanos, but you can't play games on a 6th generation.

Can an ipod nano play games and surf the web?

You can play games on the ipod nano but i don't think you can surf the web.

Do you pay for games on iPod touch?

some games you have to pay for but some are lite versions or demos.

Can you play any ipod touch games on the computer?

No, you cannot. The iPod Touch games can only be played on an iPod Touch.

Does the iPod Touch have lots of games?

Yes. The iTunes Store has TONS of games for the iPod touch, free and pay.

Where do you go on itunes for games for the ipod nano?

The iPod Nano does not play games or any other apps.

Can you play games on ipod nano?

You don't.