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If you have your own router and adapter you dont have to pay for anything else.

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13y ago

No, Nintendo Wi Fi connection is free

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Q: Do you have to pay for wifi?
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Do you need to pay for wifi with xbox wifi adapter?

You need pay only for the adapter. If you have a wireless router you will not have to pay to anybody for your WiFi. But you still have to for Internet.

Does the mirage hotel have WIFI?

Yes, But you have to pay for in room wifi!

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No you only have to pay a one time charge of buying the wifi connector. I have wii and ds wifi

If you turn WiFi off do you still have to pay for wifi?

You never needed to pay for the Wi-Fi around you in the first place.

How do you get WiFi when you need a password?

WiFi is something you pay for. If you don't have your own WiFi you will have to go somewhere that offers free WiFi like a coffeeshop or library.

Does and Ipod touch 4th generation have free wifi?

No. You have to pay for wifi monthly if you want it.

Do you have to pay for internet on the itouch?

you have to have wifi . in order to have wifi , you must be conneted to wireless internet nearby . to get to that = settings>wifi>choose a network

Does iphone5c have wifi anywhere?

yes it can but, you have to pay

Is there a monthy fee for a iPad?

Only if you use 3G, on wifi it is free, unless you pay for the wifi.

Ipad run on wifi or does it need a service contract?

Question: Does the iPad run on WiFi or do you need a contract? Answer: It is your choice, you can choose a Apple iPad WiFi + 3G or a normal Appe iPad WiFi. If you get the one without the 3G you can run it on WiFi only and not pay a monthly contract fee, the only thing you will pay for is the internet service.

What is a pay pal code?

freind code for wifi

how can i pay for my tplink wifi subsciption?

by using your accont