It depends on where you are. In most U.S. states, you do not have to have a license.
As long as you meet the minimum age requirements and are not criminally prohibited, no license is required for a shotgun.
Depends on where you live. Your spelling of licence may indicate that you are in Great Britain, which DOES require a license. In most of the United States- no.
In the UK you need a licence to own a shotgun,
Unfortunately you cannot unless you have a class 3 firearms license. Also as of the moment they will only sale to Military and Police.
Buy Shotgun. Buy Shotgun.
Over 18.
5 Years
where are u bringing this gun? in public? u cant get a license for a full sized shotgun just to show it off in public u terd.
He can buy a shotgun, but, it is legally his until you turn 18